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Victim Registry

The following victim registry is dedicated to the memory of human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra.

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Jaswant Singh Khalra (L) - Paramjit Kaur Khalra (R), widow of Mr. Khalra, enters his name into the SIC victim registry

Throughout history, many human beings have been victims of atrocities such as murder, torture, false encounters, etc. which have been perpetrated, instigated, condoned, or simply ignored by their governments, neighbors, and fellow human beings. Past incidents such as the Armenian and Jewish genocides and current events in places like Rwanda and the Sudan serve as chilling reminders of the crimes human beings are capable of committing against their fellows. History shows that revelation of these events often inspires action for positive change, and as the Sikh Information Centre makes a concerted effort to apprise the world of Sikh victims we hope many will be similarly inspired.

The record of victims and incidents found in our online database is intended to serve historical and human rights purposes. This record is for the benefit and use of civil and human rights organizations, media, law enforcement, and the general public. This information serves to promote justice, provide an outlet for truth, and help ensure such incidents cease to occur.

Click here to enter a victim into our database.

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